News and Commentary

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Rumour? Or a Sellout?

The following post was made on a popular board this evening...

If true - the Conservative Party of Canada will become history in the next election... we guarantee it...

... I am sorry to say that I have been privy to a personal warning that the current minority government is about to announce the prohibition of all currently-restricted long-guns. It is a very serious warning, coming from a very well-connected individual within the Canadian firearms industry. I have known this source for 25 years, and am taking his warning at full face-value. He got the warning from sources which cannot be named, but are fully conversant with what is going on.

The essence is that all currently-restricted long-guns will be banned. It is not clear whether or not they will be grandfathered. The prohibition will apparently be legislative rather than OIC in nature. I am told that much like the previous OICs, the announcement will occur after the fact with zero warning for those who own (or would aspire to own) restricted long-guns. My source told me to expect a 10:00 announcement to the effect that as of 09:00 that same day, the new laws/regulations are extant. You and I know exactly why they will take that approach - no last-minute buying spree is possible.

There has been no indication that the forthcoming ban will impact upon handguns. There IS an expectation that the restricted long-gun ban will extend to the limited range of non-restricted semi-automatic long-guns currently available for Canadian purchase. This includes the SKS, Norinco M305 (M-14), Robarm M-96, Armalite AR-180B, and others of the ilk.

There is no knowledge regarding whether or not the impending semi-auto long-gun ban will incorporate a grandfathering clause. If so, then it would behoove prospective owners to buy now. As in right now. If there is no grandfathering clause, then at the very least those in possession of restricted firearms will be eligable for monetary compensation related to their seized personal property. Personal property rights and related reimbursement are a cornerstone of the Conservative government platform. Notwithstanding the recent turn-about on the taxation of income trusts, the Conservatives don't dare simply seize our restricted long-guns without due compensation. It is an admittedly small consolation, but at least you won't be out of pocket if you purchase an AR-15 receiver tomorrow only to legislatively lose it the day after....

Sorry to be the bearer of horrifically bad news, but as a firearms owner of 25 years I felt compelled to share this news with the board. If it turns out that my impeccable source is wrong and political pressure deems that the restricted long-gun ban will not happen, fine - I will eat crow, and be quite happy to do so.

Unfortunately, I don't believe that such is going to be the case. We owners of mil-style semi-autos are about to be sacrificed on the altar of political expediency.

I for one, will be mailing back my Conservative Party membership and "sustaining donor" cards with a very tersely-worded letter. Lacking a party that actually represents my interests, I will be opting out of the Canadian democratic process. That is how seriously I view these impending developments.

Take it for what you will. If I am "crying wolf", then so be it - I will eat my words and suck up the ridicule after the fact. But I am here to tell you that as of today, I was told by a VERY reliable insider of 25 years standing that this is what our Conservative Government is about to enact.

Not much warning on that Income Trusts tax, was there. You want to talk about blind-sided? Wait for it....

Forewarned is forearmed.

If you haven't done so - go here right now and do what needs to be done.